<1749 June-1750 May>, Summary of Council actions (MS) |
1650-1780, Council records (MS) |
1662-06-28, Letter from Charles II (MS) |
1664-04-23, Letter from Charles II (MS) |
1669, Charles II's commission to Col. Nichols et al. (MS) |
1676-04-04, Duty of Selectmen towards new settlers |
1676-05-03, Assessment for recent war costs |
1676-05-03, Fines for soldiers who do not report |
1677-03-29, Order against buying or holding Indians |
1677-04-09, Order against horse racing |
1678-03-28, Order against discharge of firearms |
1680-09-30, Letter of Charles II, New Market |
1682-10-11, Order regulating constables' pay |
1683-05-16, Order setting price of livestock |
1685-01-28, Order allowing variance on building materials |
1685-04-02, Proclamation against giving aid to suspected pirate |
1690-03-13, Call for enforcement of moral laws and reformation. |
1690-03-24, Compensation for enlisting in N.S. expedition |
1690-05-28, Appointment of officers and soldiers' pay |
1690-09-29, Order to suppress pamphlet of Sept 25, 1690 |
1692- , Treasurer. Reports & papers (MS) |
1694-03-13, True copy of the oaths |
1694-12-12, Appointment of Harrison & Larrimore as quarter masters (MS) |
1698-06-16, Against breaking God's laws, Boston |
1699-03-21, Bellomont, Speech to representatives |
1699-05-26, Bellomont, Proclamation |
1700-05-29, Bellomont's speech |
1702-06-16, Governor's speech to Council |
1704?-03-03, Value of coins and sterling alloy |
1706-11-01, For the better regulation of seamen and marines |
1711-06-09, Proclamation of embargo |
1715-02-04, Case of seating the Gov. & Council |
1715-16, Treasurer. Accounts (MS) |
1716-11-07, S. Shute's speech to the Council and General Assembly |
1727-12-05, Order to collect taxes in Salem, Mass. |
1736-10-04, Proclamation proroguing the Assembly |
1739-08-25, Proclamation against disorders on Sunday |
1741-06-08, Proclamation to search for deserters |
1741-10-16, Raising troops against Spanish in Caribbean |
1744, Warrant for assistance in expedition against the French |
1744-09-19, Proroguation of Gen. Assembly |
1744-10-18, Proclamation for arrest of rioters in Bristol |
1744-10-19, Declaration of war against the Indians |
1744-10-19, Declaration of war against the Indians (Fr.) |
1744-11-02, Proclamation recruiting Indian fighters |
1744-11-02, Proclamation recruiting Indian fighters (Fr.) |
1745-11-06, Uxbridge tax assessment |
1750-08-13, Proroguation of Gen. Assembly |
1750-11-16, Proroguation of Gen. Assembly |
1750-12-07, Proroguation of Gen. Assembly |
1751-04-18, Arrest warrant for R. Howland & F. Little |
1751-09-03, Proclamation prohibiting revenge against the Indians |
1752-05-28, Proclamation against spread of small pox |
1752-08-28, Proroguation of Gen. Assembly |
1754, Council. Proceedings at Falmouth (MS) |
1754-10-21, Gov. Shirley to Gov. Morris recommending a union of the colonies and the treaty of neutrality with the Six Nations (MS) |
1754-11-19, Form requesting count of slaves |
1754-12-08, Letter from J. Shirley relative to raising regiments (MS) |
1755, Shirley's instructions to officers |
1755-02-13, Gov. Shirley's address to the Council and House of Representatives (MS) |
1755-02-22, Proclamation preventing departure of ships |
1755-03-14, Stamp duties assess by the Gen. Court |
1755-05-23, Gov. Shirley to Gov. Morris on laying out a road and public opinion of Gen. Braddock (MS) |
1755-06-10, Re-assessment of Boston |
1755-07-08, Colletion of taxes |
1755-08-19, Gov. Morris to Gen. Shirley stating proceedings of the Assembly (MS) |
1755-09-19, Order of impressment |
1756-02-12, Proclamation of pardon for deserters |
1756-02-18, Proclamation for enlistment |
1756-07-08, Enlistment quotas not met |
1756-12-06, Prorogation of General Court |
1757-01-31, Order to return arms after Crown Pt. Expedition |
1757-02-25, Proclamation to raise troops |
1757-02-28, Proclamation of wages for enlisted |
1757-03-09, Proclamation forbidding departure of ships |
1757-04-05, Proclamation confirming military commissions |
1757-04-07, Proclamation confirming embargo on departure of ships |
1757-04-18, Proclamation extending embargo on departure of ships |
1757-05-09, Proclamation extending embargo on departure of ships |
1757-06-28, Prorogation of General Court |
1757-07-12, Prorogation of General Court |
1757-07-26, Prorogation of General Court |
1757-08-03, Proclamation of new colonial administration |
1757-08-13, Governor's military orders |
1757-09-10, Prorogation of General Court |
1757-09-26, Prorogation of General Court |
1757-10-08, Prorogation of General Court |
1757-10-20, Prorogation of General Court |
1757-12-05, Proclamation on mutiny and desertion |
1758-04-10, Authorization to recruit |
1758-04-22, Proclamation to prolong enlistment time |
1758-07-15, Prorogation of General Court |
1758-07-25, Proclamation concerning deserters |
1758-08-29, Prorogation of General Court |
1758-11-18, Prorogation of General Court |
1758-12-05, Proclamation to house H.M. soldiers |
1758-12-05, Prorogation of General Court |
1759-03-17, Proclamation of equal rank with British soldiers |
1759-03-29, Proclamation enlisted will serve only in N. America |
1759-07-06, Prorogation of General Court |
1759-07-20, Prorogation of General Court |
1759-08-04, Prorogation of General Court |
1759-08-18, Prorogation of General Court |
1759-09-03, Prorogation of General Court |
1761-04-13, Notice of assessment act's requirements |
1761-05-07, Notice for assembly of freeholders |
1761-12-02, Order to collect taxes |
1762-12-03, Order to collect taxes |
1763-02, Deed to six townships (MS) |
1769-04-??, Letters from Gov. Bernard to Earl of Hillsborough |
1770, Council proceedings relative to deposition of A. Oliver |
1771-12-28, Proroguation of General Court |
1773, Governor. Speeches to the Gen. Assesembly |
1773-02-18, Governor's speech to the House |
1774-09-24, List of addressers to the late Gov. Hutchinson |
1775-04-30, Free passage in and out of Boston |
1775-06-12, Thomas Gage declaration of acts of treason against the Crown (variant) |
1775-12-01, Enlistment for the defense of Boston |
1775-12-20, Tax notification form [blank] |
1776-02-16, Form for taking a census |
1776-03-10, Confiscations of linen and woolen goods |
1776-04-23, Seizure of loyalists abandonned property |
1776-07-14, Howe's declaration of pardon |
1776-80, Board of War letters (MS) |
1776-81, Board of War minutes (MS) |
1783-04-23, Proclamation of day of fasting |
1786-12-01, Gen. orders for 2nd Division of Militia |
1787-01-12, Bowdoin, Address |
1787-02-17, Proclamation of pardon |
1787-06-15, Pardon for treasonous acts |
1808, Communication from the Gov. on removal of Sheriff Lithgow |
1808, Governor. Message concerning Courts of general sessions |
1809, Governor's Address to the people of Mass. |
1812-02-27, Gov. Message on libels |
1814, Adjutant Gen. Recommendations on revision of militia law |
1814, Adjutant Gen. Report on Artillery Units |
1817, Commissioners on State Prison. Report |
1818, Commissioners of the Land Office. Report |
1821, Comm. of Council on Claim for War Expenses. Report |
1821, Secretary's Office. State of public records |
1824, Govenor's messages and documents on Mass.'s claim for services during the late war with Great Britain |
1827-02-16, Governor's message on the Salem Mozart Association |
1827-02-23, Message of Gov. Lincoln on the Northeastern Boundary |
1830, Correspondence on the Massachusetts Claim |
1831, Governor's message including Alabama resolution on presidential nomination |
1832-01-30, Communication from the Governor of Rhode Island |
1832-03-17, Governor's message on negotiation for the Territory northeast of St. John, 1832 |
1832-03-20, Summary of Governor of Maine's letter to Gov. Lincoln |
1833-02-12, Governor's message on lotteries |
1833-02-25, Governor's message on letters from other states on nullification, etc. |
1833-03-28, Veto message on Militia bill |
1834-01-21, Letter of Gov. Lincoln to Gov. Davis |
1834-01-24, Matters for legislative action |
1834-03-06, Message on the Commissioners statement on the revisions of the laws |
1834-03-08, On cost of returning fugitives |
1835-01-07, Letter from Lt. Gov. Armstrong on the Institution for the Blind |
1835-01-27, Message of the Governor to the General Court |
1835-03-24, Armstrong, Message on election of Militia Officers |
1835-03-26, Message concerning the case of the Charles River and Warren Bridges |
1835-10-02, Lieut. Governor's message relating to Rainsford Island |
1836-01-16, Message relating to sundry documents |
1839, Papers relating to the North Eastern Boundary |
1839-02-15, Documents from other states laid before the two Houses |
1842-02-23, Message concerning the Disputed Territory |
1864-02-10, Communication of Gov. Andrew of Massachusetts [Maine doc.] |
1976-, Massachusetts Register |
1987, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
1988, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
1989, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
1990, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
1991, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
1992, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
1993, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
1994, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
1995, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
1996, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
1997, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
1998, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
1999, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2000, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2001, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2002, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2003, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2004, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2005, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2006, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2007, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2008, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2009, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2010, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2011, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2012, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2013, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2014, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2015, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2016, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2017, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2018, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2019, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2020, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2021, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2022, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
2023, Code of Massachusetts Regulations |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Documents concerning the deaf and dumb, and blind, 1839 |