LLMC respects the privacy of all visitors and users of its services. Any information you choose to provide on a website in the
llmcdigital.org domain will be used only to provide or improve
LLMC services.
Personally identifying information about individuals who visit LLMC web sites is provided voluntarily and explicitly through web forms and e-mails and will be used only for such purposes as
distributing information on LLMC activities, and responding to questions or comments.
For site security purposes and to ensure that its services remain available to all users, LLMC uses software programs to monitor network traffic and to identify unauthorized attempts to upload
or change information, or otherwise cause damage.
LLMC is not responsible for the privacy policies of any other sites to which we provide hyperlinks. The inclusion of links to other web sites is not an endorsement or a guarantee that the
information they contain is accurate.
LLMC reserves the right to change or modify this privacy statement. Any revisions will be posted on the LLMC web site.
LLMC is committed to creating an accessible online environment for all visitors to its web site. Our web site makes use of industry-standard techniques and best practices to provide an
accessible web experience to all users, including those with disabilities.