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Early State Records
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Click on the collections below to browse the available titles on LLMC Digital.
Attorney General. Reports, 1840-
Buckley. Prelim. report on geological survey, 1866
Commissioner of General Land Office. Report, 1st (1847)-
Commissioners to Invest the Special School Fund. Report, 1857
Commissioners to Investigate the Land Boards: Peters' Colony. Report, 1857
Comptroller. Amount of funds turned over and disbursed, 1866
Comptroller. Condensed statements, 1853-66, 1866
Comptroller. Report, 1st (1847)-
Comptroller. Suggestions and recommendations, 1866
Documents from Heads of Departments, 1838
Documents with the Governnor's message, 1853
Institution for Education of the Blind. Trustees. Report, 1st (1857)-
Institution for Education of the Deaf and Dumb. Pres. & Officers. Report, 1st (1857)-
Lunatic Asylum. Report of Supt. and managers, <1866>
Lunatic Asylum. Superintendent. Report, 1st (1857)-
Raymond's report on state office property, 1866
Report of Messrs. Pease and Palm on Treasury, 1866
Report of the Governor, St. Engineer & Comptroller on Apportioning the River Fund, 1857
Secretary of State. Report, <1855>-
Secretary of State. Report, 1840
Secretary of the Navy. Report, <1839>-
Secretary of Treasury. Report, <1839>-
State Dept. Diary, 1845-49 (MS)
State Dept. Foreign correspondence, 1836-45 (MS)
State Dept. Home letters, 1842-46 (MS)
State Dept. Journal, 1839-41 (MS)
State Dept. Legation records, 1839- (MS)
State Dept. Letterbooks and correspondence, 1835-41 (MS)
State Dept. Public correspondence, 1867-70 (MS)
State Engineer. Report on river and bay improvements, 1857
State Penitentiary. Report, <1854>-
Superintendent of Public Instruction. Report, 1st (1871)-
Superintendent of Schools. Report, <1856-57>-