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Early State Records
California, Miscellaneous (by date)
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Click on the collections below to browse the available titles on LLMC Digital.
1828, Census of Nueva California (Sp.)
1833, Breve noticia del actual estado de Alta Califonia
1833-01-29, Statement of Miguel Avila (MS)
1834, Imprenta A.V. Zamorano. Notice of fee schudule (Sp.)
1836, Tablas para los ninos que empiezan a contar
1838, Botica general de los remedios esperimentados
1838-11-27, Vallejo - Castillero letter (Sp.)
1844-04-02, Presentation of U.S. Consul's credentials (Sp.)
1849-06-08, Draft address from San Francisco to the people of California
1850-07-21, Preambulo y resoluciones en la Gran Asa[m]blea
1859, Memorial of the Military Convention on a Militia Law
1859?, Remonstrance of the Legal Profession against Bill 58
1860, Report of the Lady Superior of the Sisters of Mercy, San Francisco
1860, Report of Trustees of the S.F. Ladies' Protection and Relief Society
1860, Report of Trustees of the San Francisco Orphan Assylum
1934, Harding, To commemorate the centennial of the printing press in California
n.d., Best wishes card to Doña Vallejo on her marriage (Sp.)
n.d., Passport issued by the U.S. Consulate in Monterey