Adjutant General & Acting Quartermaster General. Abstract of returns, <1837>- |
Adjutant General & Acting Quartermaster General. Expenses incurred for the previous three years, 1839 |
Adjutant General. Annual estimate of appropriation for Militia supplies, <1836>- |
Adjutant General. Report from the Adjutant General, 1838 |
Adjutant-General. Statement comparing Adjutant General and Quartermaster General's expenses, 1824 |
Agent for Massachusetts Claim. Massachusetts claim, 1832 |
Agent of the Commonwealth. Correspondence with the Gov. on the Massachusetts claim, 1826 |
Agent of the Commonwealth. Correspondence with the Gov. on the Massachusetts claim, 1826, pt.2 |
Agents for Selling Public Lands. Report, 1829 |
Attorney General. Commonwealth's interest in bridges into the City of Boston, 1835 |
Attorney General. Expenses incurred in Rhode Island v. Massachusetts, 1841 |
Attorney General. Explanation of the last annual report, 1835 |
Attorney General. Exposition of the rights of the Commonwealth to the ferries in the harbour of Boston, 1833 |
Attorney General. Opinion on changes to rateable polls, 1835 |
Attorney General. Opinion on rail road in Charlestown and Cambridge, 1835 |
Attorney General. Report in the case of the towns of Middleton … 1835 |
Attorney General. Report on case of Rhode Island vs. Massachusetts, 1838 |
Attorney General. Report on cases concerning the lottery, 1827 |
Attorney General. Report on confiscated debts, 1808 |
Attorney General. Report on implementation of the law on lotteries, 1828 |
Attorney General. Report on the petition of the town of Deerfield, 1835 |
Attorney General. Report relating to the Warren Bridge, 1835 |
Attorney General. Reports, 1832- |
Bank Commissioners. Report on banks charging for exchange and their rates, 1840 |
Bank Commissioners. Special report, 1840 |
Board of Education. Abstract of school returns, <1832>- |
Board of Education. Annual report, 1st (1838)- |
Board of Education. Communication from the Secretary of the Board of Education, 1839 |
Board of Education. Report on school houses, 1838 |
Board of Internal Improvement. Report on the railroad survey in Bristol County, 1830 |
Board of Internal Improvement. Report on the survey of the Boston to Blackstone Canal, 1829 |
Charles River Bridge Agent. Annual report, 1st (1942)- |
Commissioiners on Criminal Law. Preliminary report, 1839 |
Commissioner for Revising the Statutes. Letter to the Governor, 1834 |
Commissioner for the Agricultural Survey. Communication of Dec. 1839, 1840 |
Commissioner for the Agricultural Survey. Memorial on a Board of Industry, 1840 |
Commissioner on the Criminal Code. Message, 1842 |
Commissioners and Engineer of the Western Railway. Accounts, 1828 |
Commissioners for Enlarging the Lunatic Hospital. Statement of progress, 1837 |
Commissioners for Fixing the Line of Private Property in Boston Harbor. Report, 1839 |
Commissioners of Education. Report on establishing a Seminary of practical arts, 1827 |
Commissioners of the State Prison. Report and bill on prison discipline … 1827 |
Commissioners on Bank Bills. Report, 1831 |
Commissioners on Canal Routes from Boston Harbour. Report, 1826 |
Commissioners on Claim of W. Simpson. Report, 1829 |
Commissioners on Codification of the Common Law. Report, 1837 |
Commissioners on Gaols and Houses of Correction. Report, 1834 |
Commissioners on Insolvency and Imprisonment for Debt. Report, 1831 |
Commissioners on Revision of the Statutes. Report, 1835 |
Commissioners on Standard Weights and Measures. Report, 1837 |
Commissioners on State Prison Accounts. Report, 1828 |
Commissioners on Unincorporated Lands. Report, 1838 |
Commissioners to Correct the Standard Weights. Report, 1836 |
Commissioners to Erect a Lunatic Hospital. Report, 1832 |
Commissioners to Establish a Comptroller's Office. Report and bill, 1840 |
Commissioners to Examine Provincetown Lands. Report, 1838 |
Davis. Report of J. Davis, agent for prosecution of the claim of Massachusetts, 1831 |
Directors of Internal Improvement. Report on accounting of all monies expended, 1830 |
General Court. Act to regulate the survey of lumber, 1830 |
House. Report on the State Lunatic Hospital, 1838 |
Inspectors of the State Prison. Report on employment for discharged inmates, 1830 |
Inspectors of the State Prison. Report, <1830>- |
Land Office. Communication from the Land Agent, 1838 |
Land Office. Communication from the Land Agent, 1839 |
Land Office. General statement on public lands, <1833>- |
Massachusetts Claim Agent. Letter to the Governor, 1835 Dec. 31 |
New England Institution for the Education of the Blind. Address, 1833 |
Paine. Letter reporting progress on the trigonometrical survey, 1836 |
Quarter Master General. Account, <1808>- |
Report of Engineer on the Boston to Lowell rail road survey, 1830 |
Secretary of State. Endowments made to colleges in the Commonwealth, 1827 |
Secretary of State. List of academies in the Commonwealth, 1827 |
Secretary of State. List of acts, records, documents and books in the Office, 1827 |
Secretary of State. Report of the list of incorporations granted by the Legislature, 1780-1836, 1836 |
Secretary of State. Report on expenses incurred, <1831>- |
Secretary of State. Statement on contributions to literary institutions, 1832 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Abstract of corporations created, 1840 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Abstract of returns of the bounties paid for wheat and silk, 1841 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Abstract of returns of the bounties paid for wheat, <1839>- |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Abstract of the returns of the registers of deeds, <1837>- |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Census of legal voters, 1857 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Communication concerning funds to be apportioned to schools, 1840 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Condition of the banks in Mass., 1803-1837, 1838 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Documents concerning the deaf and dumb, and blind, 1839 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Estimate for repair of Charles River and Warren Bridges, 1842 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Estimate for repair of the Warren Bridges, 1842 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Grants made to colleges and literary institutions, 1842 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Number of noxious animals destroyed, 1837 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Population of congressional districts, 1842 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Report on receipt of Revolutionary War documents, 1841 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Returns from agricultural societies, 1842 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Returns of towns for expenses incurred making maps, 1833 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Statement of grants made to colleges, 1837 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Statement of pauper accounts, <1824-33>- |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Statement of the books, manuscripts and documents belonging to the Public Archives, 1839 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Statement of the number of noxious animals destroyed in each town, 1838 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Warrants drawn by various commissions, 1841 |
Secretary of the Commonwealth. Warrants drawn on the State Survey account, 1837 |
Solicitor General. Report on implementation of the law on lotteries, 1828 |
State Valuation Comm. Report, 1832 |
Surveyor. Report on progress of the state map, 1840 |
Treasurer. Balances paid by the Commonwealth to each county, 1825-40, 1841 |
Treasurer. Communication on state debt held by towns, 1840 |
Treasurer. Cost of printing, 1829 |
Treasurer. Exhibit of amount paid for support of state paupers, 1838 |
Treasurer. Letter on the Western Rail-road Corporation, 1839 |
Treasurer. List of auctioneers' bonds and returns, 1834 |
Treasurer. List of officers who received salaries at the State Prison, 1831-33, 1834 |
Treasurer. Money received into the Treasury and the interest, 1836 |
Treasurer. Report on appropriations, 1827 |
Treasurer. Report on legislative payrolls, 1828 |
Treasurer. Report on sums paid to prosecute the claim against the general government, 1842 |
Treasurer. Schedules A-F of salaries and allowances, 1832 |
Treasurer. Statement of debts due the Commonwealth, 1829 |
Treasurer. Statement of pay rolls of the Legislature since the separation of Maine, 1831 |
Treasurer. Statement on taxes levied by law, 1782-1823, 1829 |
Treasury Office. Account of House of Corrections expenses, 1826 |
Treasury Office. Expenses paid in prosecuting the Massachusetts Claim, 1823-39, 1839 |
Treasury Office. Purchase of Western Rail-road script, 1842 |
Treasury Office. Report of money paid to agents to prosecute the Massachusetts Claim, 1837 |
Treasury Office. Report on state sums allowed for support of state paupers, 1831 |
Treasury Office. Report on sums paid to the Attorney General defense in Rhode Island v Massachusetts, 1841 |
Treasury Office. Statement of amounts received, 1800-37, 1838 |
Treasury Office. Statement of expenditures made in surveying railways and canals, 1830 |
Treasury Office. Statement of expenses of the Legislature, 1838 |
Treasury Office. Statement of receipts and expenditures, 1825-41, 1842 |
Treasury Office. Statement on Warren Bridge repairs and agent's salary, 1842 |
Treasury Office. Statements of money paid out, 1839 |
Treasury Office. Tabular statement on sheriffs' pay, 1840 |
War Office, To the selectmen of Westborough, 1777-02-03 |
Warren Bridge Agent. Warren Bridge fund report, 1842 |