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Early State Records
Massachusetts, Treatises (alpha order)
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Click on the collections below to browse the available titles on LLMC Digital.
Colman. Report on cultivation of spring wheat, 1838
Davenport, Discourse on civil government, 1663
Documents relating to boundary line between Maine and New Brunswick, 1826
Documents relating to the Warren Bridge, 1834
Documents relative to the Northeastern Boundary, 1834 [Mass. doc.]
Hitchcock. Report on a re-examination of the economical geology of Massacusetts, 1838
Hopkins. Sermon delivered .. on the anniversary election, 1839
Kirkland, Pres. & Fellows of Harvard College, 1812
Letters to the Earl of Hillsborough, 1769
Mass. & New York conference at New-Haven, 1767
Mass. House of Commons. Letters to Rt. Hon. Earl of Hillsborough … 1769
Mass. title to land btw Kennebeck & St. Croix Rivers, 1763
Mass. vs. New York boundaries, 1764
Peirson, Helps for the Indians, 1658
Petition of Mass. to the King, 1768
Platform of church discipline, 1649
Prince, Constitution & govt. of Harvard, 1636-1742, 1742?
Stevens. Civil engineer's report on survey of Massachusetts, 1831
Stevens. Message and report relating to survey of the Commonwealth, 1831
Stowe. Report on elementary public instruction in Europe, 1838
Whole booke of Psalmes, 1640
Winthrop, Arbitrary government described, 1867
Winthrop, Arbitrary govt. described, 1644 (MS)