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Early State Records
Vermont, Laws (by date)
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Click on the collections below to browse the available titles on LLMC Digital.
<1784>-1835, Journal of the General Assembly
1778-, Vermont Session Laws
1778-03-25, Act directing choice of judges of probate (MS)
1781, Tax act
1782, Tax act
1783, Council. Remonstrance
1783, Revised laws (inc.)
1784-03, Act for the limitation of actions
1784-03-01, Act for recovery of improvements to land
1784-11-20, Act for recovery of improvements to land
1784-11-20, Act regulating choice of a Council of Censors
1787, Statutes of the State of Vermont
1791, Statutes of the State of Vermont
1791-10-25, Act regulating choice of a Council of Censors
1793, Militia Act
1796, Act … for regulating the militia with Acts of the US Congress
1797-03-10, Militia Act
1798, Law of the State of Vermont
1801, Acts and laws
1821-11-08, Resolution on public lands & education
1829-12-28, Communication from the State of Vermont
1840, Resolutions of Vermont [Va. doc.]
1841, Resolutions of Vermont [Va. doc.]
1844-45, Resolutions of Vermont and Alabama [Ohio doc.]
1845, Resolutions of Vermont [Va. doc.]