Abert. Communication from Col. Abert on the Md. Canal route, 1839 |
Abert. Estimate of that portion of the "Brookville Route", 1839 |
Annapolis & Elk Ridge R.R. Co. Communication shewing amout received … 1845 |
B. & O. Railroad. Answer to interrogatories and Latrobe's report, 1844 |
B. & O. Railroad. Answer to interrogatories, 1844 |
B. & O. Railroad. Answer to the House of Delegates, 1852 |
B. & O. Railroad. Charge for passengers between Baltimore and Washington, 1844 |
B. & O. Railroad. Chief Engineer's answer at to lock and dam navigation, 1844 |
B. & O. Railroad. Communication on state bonds, 1843 |
B. & O. Railroad. Reduction of fare on Washington Branch, 1844 |
B. & O. Railroad. Report of tariff of rates on "main stem", 1844 |
B. & O. Railroad. Report of the Executive Officers, 1843 |
B. & O. Railroad. Report on the president's compensation, 1843 |
B. & O. Railroad. Sale of state bonds, 1841 |
Baltimore & Susquehanna Rail Road. Report to the Comm. on Internal Improvement, 1843 |
C. & O. Canal Co. Amount expended on the canal, 1844 |
C. & O. Canal Co. Requirements to complete canal to Cumberland, 1841 |
Carey. Report on finances of the state, 1844 |
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co. Answer to interrogatories, 1844 |
Correspondence concerning survey of the Pocomoke, 1830 |
Gen. Assembly. Answer to Gov.'s speech of Nov. 29, 1708-12-02 |
Gen. Assembly. Answer to His Excellency's speeach, 1700-04-27 |
Gen. Assembly. Messages on seizure of British property, 1780 |
Gen. Assembly. Proceedings on confiscations, 1780 |
Hepburn. Communication to the House of Delegates, 1844 |
House Comm. to Examine the Commissioner of Loans Accounts. Report, 1839 |
House. Act to incor. The Somerset & Moose Head Lake Canal Co., 1837 |
House. Address to B. Tasker, 1752-06-04 |
House. Address to Gov. Sharpe, 1761-04-14 |
House. Bill for an act for regulating the militia, 1756 |
House. Bill for granting 20,000L., 1758 |
House. Comm. of Claims. Report on accounts of J.S. Owens, 1844 |
House. Comm. of Claims. Report on accounts of the E. Shore, 1830 |
House. Comm. of Claims. Report on accounts of the W. Shore, 1830 |
House. Comm. of Claims. Report, 1831 |
House. Comm. of Elections & Privileges. Frederick Co. examination of witnesses, 1839 |
House. Comm. of Elections & Privileges. Report of Kent Co. election testimony, 1839 |
House. Comm. of Elections & Privileges. Report on R. Welch, 1839 |
House. Comm. of Grievances and Courts of Justice. Constitutional rights of slaveholders, 1841 |
House. Comm. of Grievances and Courts of Justice. Report, 1840- |
House. Comm. on Affairs of E. Shore R.R., Minority report, 1840 |
House. Comm. on Agriculture. Abolition of the Inspector of Guano, 1856 |
House. Comm. on Agriculture. Report on Boomer Method, 1844 |
House. Comm. on Agriculture. Report on qualities of soil, 1844 |
House. Comm. on Agriculture. Report, 1839 |
House. Comm. on Bill on Banking Institutions. Report, 1840 |
House. Comm. on Colored Population. Report of Md. Colonization Society, 1841 |
House. Comm. on Colored Population. Report, 1840 |
House. Comm. on Colored Population. Report, 1852 |
House. Comm. on Currency. Report with answers from banks, 1842 |
House. Comm. on Decrease of Revenue for Baltimore. Report, 1853 |
House. Comm. on Education. Majority report, 1850 |
House. Comm. on Education. Minority report, 1850 |
House. Comm. on Education. Report on appropriating free schools' funds, 1845 |
House. Comm. on Education. Report on colleges … 1839 |
House. Comm. on Education. Report on education in this State, 1846 |
House. Comm. on Education. Report, 1840 |
House. Comm. on Education. Report, 1853 |
House. Comm. on Elections and Privileges. Report on census results, 1842 |
House. Comm. On Federal Relations. Report on cession of lands in Prince George's County, 1846 |
House. Comm. on Federal Relations. Report on erection of a monument, 1853 |
House. Comm. on Federal Relations. Report on Oregon Territory boundary, 1846 |
House. Comm. on Grievances & Courts of Justice. Charter of Phi., Wilm. & Balt. RR, 1844 |
House. Comm. on Grievances & Courts of Justice. Orders about the judiciary, 1844 |
House. Comm. on Inspections. Report, 1841 |
House. Comm. on Inspections. Report, 1842 |
House. Comm. on Inspections. Report, 1853 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvement. C.&O. Canal report, 1840-03-04 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvement. C.&O. Canal report, 1840-03-10 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvement. General report, 1831 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvement. Report from Pres. of the C.&O. and B.&.O., 1840 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvement. Report from the railroads, 1840 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvement. Report on Baltimore & Susquehanna R.R., 1839 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvement. Report on Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co., 1843 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvement. Report on Crowley & Gorman memorial, 1846 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvement. Report on increasing canal toll, 1840 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvement. Report on money borrowed, 1839 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvements. Communication from B. & O. President, 1842 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvements. Communication from B. & O. President, 1843 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvements. Minority report on condition of the C. & O., 1841 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvements. Report on C. & O. salaries, 1840 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvements. Report on condition of the C. & O., 1841 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvements. Report, 1840 |
House. Comm. on Internal Improvements. Testimony about the C. & O. Canal Co., 1841 |
House. Comm. on Lotteries. Majority report, 1850 |
House. Comm. on Lotteries. Minority report, 1850 |
House. Comm. on Lotteries. Report, 1840 |
House. Comm. on Militia. Statements from armorers, 1843 |
House. Comm. on Printing. Minority report, 1840 |
House. Comm. on Secret Societies. Majority report, 1856 |
House. Comm. on Secret Societies. Minority report, 1856 |
House. Comm. on the Colored Population. Report, 1842 |
House. Comm. on the Currency. Report, 1840 |
House. Comm. on the Library. Report on Library's MSs., 1840 |
House. Comm. on the Maryland Hospital. Report, 1840- |
House. Comm. on the Militia. Report, 1842 |
House. Comm. on Ways and Means. Communication between Messrs. Baring and T.W. Ward, 1843 |
House. Comm. on Ways and Means. Majority report on reducing the direct tax, 1850 |
House. Comm. on Ways and Means. Majority report on state finances, 1844 |
House. Comm. on Ways and Means. Minority report, 1852 |
House. Comm. on Ways and Means. Report on certificate interest, 1839 |
House. Comm. on Ways and Means. Report on Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co., 1839 |
House. Comm. on Ways and Means. Report on State funds, 1839 |
House. Comm. on Ways and Means. Report requested by the Governor, 1850 |
House. Comm. on Ways and Means. Report, 1830 |
House. Select Comm. on Abolition of State Geologist. Report, 1839 |
House. Select Comm. on Annapolis & Elkridge R.R. Memorial. Report, 1841 |
House. Select Comm. on Assumption of State Debts. Report, 1844 |
House. Select Comm. on C. & O. and B. & O. Report on west of dam no. 6, 1845 |
House. Select Comm. on C. & O. Stock Transfer. Report, 1844 |
House. Select Comm. on Charter Forfeitures. Report, 1844 |
House. Select Comm. on Clerks of Court in Baltimore. Report, 1854 |
House. Select Comm. on Construction of Housing of Fuel and Archives. Report, 1854 |
House. Select Comm. on Convents and Nunneries. Report, 1856 |
House. Select Comm. on Electing U.S. Senators. Minority report, 1856 |
House. Select Comm. on Farmers amd Merchants' Bank. Report, 1856 |
House. Select Comm. on Forfeiture of R.R. Charters. Minority report, 1839 |
House. Select Comm. on Imprisonment for Debt. Report, 1839 |
House. Select Comm. on Internal Improvements Act. Report, 1856 |
House. Select Comm. on Maryland & Delaware R.R. Report, 1862 |
House. Select Comm. on Memorial of Georgetown. Report, 1839 |
House. Select Comm. on Memorial of the Insane Hospital Commissioners. Report, 1856 |
House. Select Comm. on Nanticoke Indian Claims. Report, 1853 |
House. Select Comm. On Petition of C.C. McTavish. Report, 1854 |
House. Select Comm. on Petitions for a State Bank of Md. Report, 1830 |
House. Select Comm. On Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore R.R., 1839 |
House. Select Comm. on Pilot Laws. Testimony, 1853 |
House. Select Comm. on Removal of Free People of Color. Report, 1844 |
House. Select Comm. on Removal of Free People of Color. Report, 1846 |
House. Select Comm. on the Constitution. Majority report, 1850 |
House. Select Comm. on the Constitution. Report of Messrs. Bowie & Dellinger, 1846 |
House. Select Comm. on the Constitution. Report on the Reform Convention, 1846 |
House. Select Comm. On the Eastern Shore R.R., 1840 |
House. Select Comm. on the House of Refuge. Report, 1852 |
House. Select Comm. on the Sunday License Law. Report, 1850 |
House. Select Comm. on the Susquehanna Bank, Report, 1839 |
House. Select Comm. on Tobacco Warehouse Damage. Report, 1843 |
House. Select Comm. on Valuation of Slaves. Report, 1842 |
House. Select Comm. to Investigate Farmers & Millers Bank, 1843 |
House. Select Comm. to Provide Election of the Levy Court. Report, 1840 |
House. Select Comm. to Sell B. & O. Stock. Report, 1856 |
House. Select Comm. to Visit the Penitentiary, House of Refuge, Asylum for the Blind. Report, 1856 |
House. Select Comm. to which was Referred Several Communications. Report, 1830 |
House. Select. Comm. on Murder of E. Gorsuch. Report, 1852 |
House. Select. Comm. on Tobacco Trade. Report, 1841 |
House. Special Comm. on Public Lands. Minority report, 1841 |
House. Special Comm. On Public Lands. Report, 1841 |
House. Standing Comm. on Lotteries. Majority report, 1839 |
House. Standing Comm. on Lotteries. Minority report, 1839 |
House. Three bills that did not pass, 1760? |
Howard. To Comm. on Internal Improvement on railroad to Washington, D.C., 1831 |
Joint Comm. on Cancelled Coupons. Report, 1854 |
Joint Comm. on Memorial of the Regents. One of the reports, 1839 |
Joint Comm. on Memorial of the Regents. Report, 1839 |
Joint Comm. on Obstructions in the Susquehanna. Report, 1831 |
Joint Comm. on St. John's College. Report, 1839- |
Joint Comm. on the Library. Report, <1839>- |
Joint Comm. on the Sinking Fund. Report, 1856 |
Joint Comm. to Examine the Lottery Contract. Report, 1856 |
Joint Comm. to Inspect the Seminary of the primary school. Report, 1830 |
Joint Special Comm. on Limited Partnerships. Act concerning limited partnerships, 1835 |
Legislature. Resolutions on a Southern Convention (1849), 1850 [Md. doc.] |
List of the Delegates to the Gen. Assembly of Maryland, 1830 |
Owens. Report of Evidence in the Duval claim, 1840 |
Rep. Price's resolutions on the objects of the present war, 1862-01-04 |
Report of Messrs. Chiffelle and Bouldin on the Balt. & Susq. R.R., 1850 |
Senate. Comm. on Finance. Report on bill to regulate distilled spirits, 1854 |
Senate. Comm. on the Library. Report on the State Library, 1854 |
Senate. Rules and orders, <1836>- |
Special Joint Comm. on Completing the Map of the Commonwealth. Report, 1841 |
Steuart. Report of Mr. Steuart, 1839 |
Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal Co. Report, 1842 |
Treasurer. Names of Agents of foreign insurance companies. 1846 |
Upper House, Address, 1761-04-16 |
Upper House. Address of Upper House to Gov. Calvert, 1727? |
Upper House. Address of Upper House to Gov. Ogle concerning disagreements and the currency question, 1739 |