<1774>-1776, Colonial General Assembly records (MS) |
<1802>- Journal & Acts of the Legislative Assembly (MS) |
1636-1776, Colonial legislative papers (MS) |
1677-1804, Legislative papers, Gen. Court journals, Governor and Council (MS) |
1702-1711?, Acts |
1715-10-29, Laws to reinforce morals |
1759-03-08, Troop levies in Connecticut |
1773-10-??, Resolution establishing a census (with book dealer's transcription) |
1776-<1801>, State Legislative papers (MS) |
1776-05-09, Act for raising a body of Minute men |
1776-05-09, Act to encourage salt production |
1776-06-14, Act to secure quantities of lead |
1777-05-??, Act to raise troops |
1777-08-13, Resolutions to raise troops |
1778-02-12, Act for raising two brigades |
1779-05-??, Resolution appointing a State Cloathier |
1780-90, General Assembly rolls (MS) |
Act to abolish imprisonment for debt, 1838? [bill] |
Act to aid rail road construction, 1838 [bill] |
Anon., Remarks on the proceedings of the Gen. Assembly, 1837 |
Bill and report for electing state senators, 1841 |
Comm. for Locating a Hosp. for Insane Poor. Report, 1840 |
Comm. on Claims against U.S., Report, 1817 |
Comm. on Collection of Debts, etc. Report, 1843 |
Comm. on Common Schools. Report, 1826 |
Comm. on Contested Elections. Report, 1846 |
Comm. on Defence report, 1813 |
Comm. on Division of New Haven into wards, 1843 |
Comm. on Education. Plan relating to schools, 1846 |
Comm. on Federal Relations. Report upon resolutions of other states, 1849 |
Comm. on Finance. Audit report, 1846 |
Comm. on His Excellency's speech. Report, 1814 |
Comm. on Housatonic Rail Road Company report, 1839 |
Comm. on Normal Schools report, 1848 |
Comm. on Petition concerning navigation laws, 1811 |
Comm. on Petition E. Hartford v. Hartford Bridge Co., 1843 |
Comm. on Petitions relating to License-Laws report, 1838 |
Comm. on Punishment of Juvenile Offenders. Report, 1844 |
Comm. on Speech Concerning Correspondence with Sec. of War, 1812 |
Comm. on Taxation. Report, 1844 |
Comm. on the Culture of Hemp. Report, 1829 |
Comm. on the Judiciary. Report on the Rev. Statutes, 1846? |
Comm. on the State Prison. Report, 1833 |
Comm. on Town and State Paupers. Report, 1852 |
Comm. report on use of public lands for education, etc. accomp. Gov.'s message, 1821 |
Comm. to inspect New-Gate Prison, Report, 1825 |
Commissioners Appointed to Prevent Cattle Diseases. Report, 1861 |
Commissioners Investigating Building a New Prison. Report, 1827 |
Commissioners on the Western Boundary Line. Report, 1857 |
Committee on the State Prison report, 1840 |
Connecticut. Resolutions, 1847 |
General Assembly to the people of Conn., 1809 |
General Assembly. Resolves concerning the Western Reserve, 1795-1802 |
Joint Comm. on Common Schools. Report, 1828 |
Joint Comm. on Internal Improvements report |
Joint Comm. on Petition of Hartford and New-Haven Rail-Road Co. report, 1839? |
Joint Comm. on the Bank of the U.S. Report, 1834 |
Joint Select Comm on Rail Roads report, 1837 |
Joint Select Comm. on African Colonization. Report, 1852 |
Joint Select Comm. on African Colonization. Report, 1853 |
Joint Select Comm. on Banking Dept. in Treasurer's Office. Report, 1853 |
Joint Select Comm. on Capital Punishment report, 1843 |
Joint Select Comm. on Capital Punishment. Minority report, 1853 |
Joint Select Comm. on Capital Punishment. Report, 1853 |
Joint Select Comm. on Captal Punishment. Minority report, 1850 |
Joint Select Comm. on Captal Punishment. Minority report, 1852 |
Joint Select Comm. on Captal Punishment. Report, 1850 |
Joint Select Comm. on Captal Punishment. Report, 1852 |
Joint Select Comm. on Fed. Relations. Report, 1847 |
Joint Select Comm. on Gen. Banking Law. Report, 1851 |
Joint Select Comm. on Gen. Banking Law. Report, 1852 |
Joint Select Comm. on prohibitory liquor law, 1854 |
Joint Select Comm. on Public Lands report, 1839 |
Joint Select Comm. on Railroads report, 1848 |
Joint Select Comm. on Spiritous Liquors. Majority & minority reports, 1850 |
Joint Select Comm. on Spiritous Liquors. Majority & minority reports, 1853 |
Joint Select Comm. on Spiritous Liquors. Report, 1852 |
Joint Select Comm. on State Reform School. Report, 1850 |
Joint Select Comm. on State Reform School. Report, 1851 |
Joint Select Comm. on the Boundary Question. Report, 1857 |
Joint Special Comm. on Protection of Trout. Report, 1853 |
Joint Special Comm. on State Reform School. Report and bill, 1857 |
Joint Standing Comm. on Banks. Report and draft bill |
Joint Standing Comm. on Banks. Report, 1845 |
Joint Standing Comm. on Ed. report on profs. of agricluture, 1847 |
Joint Standing Comm. on Ed. report on teachers' colleges, 1847 |
Joint Standing Comm. on Education report, 1841 |
Joint Standing Comm. on Education. Report, 1851 |
Joint Standing Comm. on Education. Report, 1852 |
Joint Standing Comm. on Education. Report, 1854 |
Joint Standing Comm. on Federal Relations. Minority report, 1857 |
Joint Standing Comm. on Federal Relations. Report and bill, 1857 |
Joint Standing Comm. on Judiciary. Bill on voter registration, 1840 |
Joint Standing Comm. on Judiciary. Report on bill for relief of insolvent debtors, 1853 |
Joint Standing Comm. on Public Domain. Report, 1841 |
Joint Standing Comm. on Railroads. Report, 1852 |
Joint Standing Comm. on State Prison. Comparative condition of county gaols, 1850 |
Joint Standing Comm. on State Prison. Report, 1841 |
Joint Standing Comm. on State Prison. Report, 1844 |
Joint Standing Comm. on State Prison. Report, 1853 |
Ledger of account of expenses of valuations, 1798? (MS) |
Leg. Comm. To Examine the Banks in Conn. Report, 1837 |
Legislative roll, etc. ... <1837>- |
Reasons for repeal of Sec. 8 of the medical laws, 1837. |
Report of the savings banks to the Gen. Assembly, 1848 |
Representation and taxation by county, 1851 |
Resolutions of Maine, Connecticut and Georgia, 1939 [Mass. doc.] |
Roll of the Committees of the Gen. Assembly, <1851>- |
Rules of the Hse. of Reps., Jt. rules, standing comm., <1837>- |
Sec. of State. Number of and grounds for divorce, 1849. |
Select Comm. on Expenditures of State Government. Report, 1830-1838 |
Special Comm. on Ciity Bank of New Haven. Report, 1837. |
Special Comm. On Eastern & Woodbury Banks. Report, 1853 |
Statements of Commissioners' valuation, 1798 (MS) |
Testimony before Comm. On the State Prison, 1834 |