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Early State Records
Florida, Executive (by date)
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Click on the collections below to browse the available titles on LLMC Digital.
<1825>- , Treasurer's statement (MS)
<1827>- , Treasurer's report (MS)
1737-1741, Letters from the govs. of E. Florida to the Capt.-Gen. of Cuba (MS)
1764-<1781>, Records of sign-manuals, patents, commissions, etc. (MS)
1764-1781, Minutes of the Governor in Council (MS)
1770-1865 , Secretary of State's letter book (MS)
1810-11-29, Speech of Governor Fulwar Skipwith.
1825-31, Record book sales of public lands (MS)
1827, Message of William M. McCarthy
1831- , Executive Dept. journals and correspondence (MS)
1831-33, Auditor's day book (MS)
1836- , Governor's letterbook (MS)
1845-58, Attorney-General's Office record A. (MS)
1850-68, Commissary activities and correspondence (MS)
1863, Communications from Govs. of Ga. & Fla. [Va. doc.]