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1792, Quebec Statutes, Compilation of 1792
and other public acts relative to Canada: 6 parts in 1 vol., 4to, Quebec, P.E. Desbarats, King’s pr., 1800. (Contains: [1] Capitulations and extracts
of treaties relating to Canada, 41p, Quebec; [2] Quebec Act, 1774, 21p and 2nd Quebec Act, 1797, pp. 23–59; [3] Ordinances of the Gov. and Legis.
Coun., 1777–92, {4}+214+{9}; [4] Proc. of the Lt. Gov. declaring when Act 31 Geo. III shall have effect in both Canadas, 16p; [5] Treaty with Great Br.
and U.S. regulating boundaries and trade relations for Br. Canada; and [6] Orders of British Governor regulating commerce with the U.S., 16p., Quebec,
1796 and 6p, n.p., n.d. This col-lection served in the manner of a “state of the law” text; memoralizing those laws in effect at the time of the
creation of Lower Canada. Oxford and some other libraries treats this title as a “Vol. O” to its Lower Canada statutes run.)
Title:   A collection of the acts passed in the Parliament of Great Britain and other public acts relative to Canada.
OCLC Number:   922939581
Original LLMC Number  90190
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Vol. 1YesNo