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Description and Holding Information
1805-43, Return docket (MS)
1805-1843 Manuscript Return docket; included were dockets from terms of the General, Superior, and Supreme Courts. (Digitized from a microfilm copy
of titles originally held by the Missouri Supreme Court Archives).
Title:   [Return dockets from terms of the General, Superior, and Supreme Courts of Missouri], 1805-1843.
OCLC Number:   1237757620
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
General Court, 1805YesNo
1806-1813 MayYesNo
1813 Oct.-1814 MayYesNo
Superior Court, 1814 May-1816 Sept.YesNo
1817-1820 Apr.YesNo
Supreme Court, 1821YesNo
1822 May-1825 MayYesNo
1825 Nov.-1828 Nov.YesNo
1831 Apr.-1835 JuneYesNo
1835 Oct.-1838 JulyYesNo
1839 June-1841 MayYesNo
1841 Sept.-1843 MayYesNo