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1706-11-01, For the better regulation of seamen and marines
November 1, 1706 Broadside issued by Gov. Joseph Dudley of Massachusetts Bay, which announced the penalties for aiding, lending money, or assisting
deserting seamen and marines from their ships. The proclamation indicated that if caught, the abettor could not recover the debts, and would also be
punished by the government. (Digitized from a microfilm copies of title originally held by the New York Historical Society Library (c.1), the
Massachusetts Historical Society Library (c.2), and the American Antiquarian Society Library in Worcester, Massachusetts (c.3)).
Title:   By His Excellency, Joseph Dudley Esq. ... A proclamation for the better regulation of seamen and marines : ... Given at the Council chamber in Boston the first day of November, 1706.
OCLC Number:   62814437
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