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Objection Drawn from the Act of Union Against a Review of the Liturgy, 1770.
and other ecclesiastical forms, considered in several letters to a divine of the Church of England; The whole now submitted to the impartial
afterthoughts of William Blackstone, esq., author of the Commentaries on the Laws of England: ii+III+100p, London, pr. for Edward and Charles Dilly, 1770. (In
the text, which consists of five letters and a Postscript, the anonymous author considers the Act of Union of England and Scotland, 1707, and
Blackstone’s observations relative to the preservation of the two churches of England and Scotland in the same state they were in at the time of the union,
and the maintenance of the acts of uniformity which establish our common-prayer, as expressed in Book I of his Commentaries. This tract was loaned for
the LLMC filming by the Yale University Library.)
Title:   An objection from the Act of Union, against a review of the liturgy and other ecclesiastical forms : considered in several letters to a divine of the Church of England : the whole now submitted to the impartial after-thoughts of William Blackstone, author of the Commentaries on the laws of England.
OCLC Number:   62149603
Original LLMC Number  82800
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