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Palladium of Conscience, 1773.
or The Foundation of Religious Liberty, displayed, asserted, and established agreeable to its true and genuine principles, above the reach of all
petty tyrants who attempt to lord it over the human mind; containing Furneaux’s Letters to Blackstone, Priestley’s Remarks on Blackstone, Blackstone’s
Reply to Priestley, and Blackstone’s Case of the Middlesex Election; with some other curious tracts, worthy of high rank in every gentleman’s literary
repository, being a necessary companion for every lover of religious liberty, and an interesting appendix to Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of
England; America: iv+5–119+xii+155p, Philadelphia, pr. for the subscribers by Robert Bell at the late Union Library. (Published also with the title An
Interesting Appendix to Sir William Blackstone’s Commentaries, The Palladium of Conscience contains the same tracts, in the same arrangement, as in
Eller Title no. 256. The Palladium of Conscience was reprinted in octavo by Bell in 1774, although no copy of that reprint is in the Yale Law Library
Title:   The palladium of conscience : or, The foundation of religious liberty displayed, asserted, and established, agreeable to its true and genuine principle above the reach of all petty tyrants, who attempt to lord it over the human mind.
OCLC Number:   62127976
Original LLMC Number  82800
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