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Stephen, New Commentaries on the Laws of England, 1st American Edition, 4 vols., 1841-1846
New Commentaries on the Laws of England partly founded on Blackstone: by Henry John Stephen, 4v., New York, Halstead & Voorhies, 1841-1846. (This
first American edition is printed word for word from the London edition with some changes in spelling. The work is based on the four books of
Blackstone’s Commentaries incorporating in the text many passages taken verbatim from that work. It is updated and rearranged and the notes of Blackstone and
Stephen are printed together as footnotes without distinguishing marks.)
Title:   New commentaries on the laws of England : (partly founded on Blackstone) / by Henry John Stephen.
OCLC Number:   62111275
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Vol. 1YesNo
Vol. 2YesNo
Vol. 3YesNo
Vol. 4YesNo