Description and Holding Information
French, 1774-76, Blackstone's Commentaries
tr. de l’anglois par M.D.G. ***, sur la 4. éd. d’Oxford, Vol. 1–6, Bruxelles, J.L. deBoubers, 1774–76. (Translated form the Oxford edition of 1770, Eller Title no. 5, P/L 1/37 above, by Au-gust Pierre Damiens de Gomicourt, whose name does not appear in the volumes. This work con-tains all four books of Blackstone. The author’s chapter numbering is retained except for chapters IX–XVIII of Book I, which appear in Vol. 2 of the translation incorrectly numbered as I–X. The translator has omitted the appendixes, the index, and most of Blackstone’s notes. The few notes added by the translator are not distinguished from Blackstone’s. A.G. Camus, in Bibliothèque des Livres de Droit, quips with reference to this translation qui n’est ni exacte ni française.)
Commentaires sur les loix angloises / de M. Blackstone ; traduits de l'anglois par M.D.G***, sur la quartrienne édition.
OCLC Number:
Original LLMC Number 82800 | |
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