Description and Holding Information
Jones, Trans., Blackstone's Foreign Language Quotes 1823
which occur in Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England, and also in the notes of the editions by Christian, Archbold and Williams: by J.W. Jones, iv+250p, pr. for Charles Reader, etc., 1823. (This first Jones edition, was later reprinted in America as a separate work, see title no. 169, P/L 21/16 below, and was included in Cooley’s 3rd ed. of the Commentaries, see Eller Title no. 128, P/L 16/27 below.)
A translation of all the Greek, Latin, Italian, and French quotations which occur in Blackstone's Commentaries on the laws of England : and also in the notes of the editions by Christian, Archbold, and Williams / by J.W. Jones.
OCLC Number:
Original LLMC Number 82800 | |
Available Volumes
Name | Fiche Count | Online | Paper Backup |
Volume 1 | | Yes | No |