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Description and Holding Information
1815-16, Blackstone's Commentaries, Am. Ed., 1815, Jones
(1915–16): edited by William Carey Jones, Vol. 1–2, San Francisco, Bancroft-Whitney Co., 1915–1916. (This edition, printed by Filmer Bros.
Electrotype Co. of San Francisco, has the copyright dates of 1915 for Vol. 1 and 1916 for Vol. 2. The editor was Director of the School of Jurisprudence,
University of California. He used Blackstone’s text in the Eighth Oxford Edition, 1778, as pre-pared by W.G. Hammond for the latter’s edition published in
1890, Eller Title no. 130, P/L 16/51 above. Hammond’s citations to American cases are continued to 1915. Vol. 2 contains a supple-mentary chapter,
Conflict of Laws, by Orin Kip McMurray.)
Title:   Commentaries on the laws of England / by Sir William Blackstone ; edited by William Carey Jones.
OCLC Number:   61513544
Original LLMC Number  82800
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Volume 1YesNo
Volume 2YesNo