Description and Holding Information
1890, Blackstone's Commentaries, Am. Ed., Hammond
(1890), from the author’s 8th ed., 1778, edited for American lawyers, with copious notes and references to all comments on the text in the American reports, 1789–1890: by William G. Hammond, Vol. 1–4, San Francisco, Bancroft-Whitney Co., 1890. (This edition, by the dean of the St. Louis Law School, went out of print when its plates were destroyed in the San Francisco earthquake fire of 1906. Hammond’s notes include citations to American decisions, and give the variant readings of the text found in those editions of the Commentaries revised by Blackstone alone; i.e. the first eight editions and Blackstone’s manuscript revisions as published in Burn’s 9th Ed., 1783, Eller Title no. 14, P/L 2/28 above. Although the editor’s preface states that this edition contains the author’s text "exactly as Blackstone left it," Blackstone’s appendixes to Books III & IV are omitted. Hammond adds a bibliography of the Commentaries, covering the English editions published from 1765 to 1869, and the American editions from 1771 to 1803.)
Commentaries on the laws of England / by Sir William Blackstone.
OCLC Number:
Original LLMC Number 82800 | |
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