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1884, Blackstone's Commentaries, Am. Ed., Cooley, 3ed
together with a copious analysis of the contents, and notes with references to English and American decisions and statutes to date, which illustrate or change the law of the text; Also a full table of abbreviations, and some considerations regarding the study of law: 3rd ed. rev., by Thomas M. Cooley, Vol. 1–2, Chicago, Callaghan & Co., 1884. (This edition, stereotyped and printed at the Detroit Free Press printing house, has an editor’s preface dated August, 1883 and the copyright date of 1883. However, Eller is not aware of any earlier printing of this edition than the 1884 impression given here. Notes of English editors found in Cooley’s earlier editions are discarded here and replaced by Cooley’s notes with reference to American statutes and decisions. There are two new features included. One is a section containing the editor’s re-view of the recent progress of the law, local government in Great Britain, the British colonial system, and local government in the United States and its territories. As a second feature, this edition includes J.W. Jones’ A Translation of all the Greek, Latin, Italian & French Quotations which Occur in Blackstone’s Commentaries. For the latter title published as a separate work, see Eller Title no. 59, P/L 8/37 above.)
Commentaries on the laws of England : in four books / by William Blackstone.
OCLC Number:
Original LLMC Number 82800 | |
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