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1872, Commentaries of Blackstone on the Laws of England, Philadelphia, 2 vols.
Commentaries on the Laws of England: in four books: with an analysis of the work and a life of the author and notes by Christian, Chitty, Lee,
Hovenden and Ryland: and also references to American cases by a member of the New York Bar: 2v., Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, 1872. ( This impression of
the Sharswood edition was stereotyped by L. Johnson & Co., Philadelphia from the plates of Commentaries of Blackstone on the Laws of England with the
copyright date of 1859. Lippincott also took over the publishing of reprints of the Sharswood Edition of the Commentaries and began issuing reprints
in 1856.)
Title:   Commentaries on the laws of England : in four books ; with an analysis of the work / by Sir William Blackstone.
OCLC Number:   61411877
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Vol. 1YesNo
Vol. 2YesNo