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1830, Blackstone's Commentaries, N.Y./Philadelphia, 2 vols.
Commentaries on the Laws of England: by William Blackstone, to which is added an analysis by Barron Field: A new edition with practical notes by
Christian, Archbold & Chitty: together with additional notes and references by a gentleman of the New York Bar, 2 vols., N.Y./Philadelphia, Collins &
Hannay, etc./John Grigg, 1830. ( This is a reprint of the 1827 edition (LLMC 74093), but not from the same plates. In this reprint some of the
typographical errors of that edition have been corrected.)
Title:   Commentaries on the laws of England / by the late Sir W. Blackstone ; to which is added an analysis by Barron Field, esq.
OCLC Number:   61349653
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Vol. 1YesNo
Vol. 2YesNo