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Blackstone's Commentaries, 1841, 20ed (Stewart)
(1841), incorporating the alterations down to the present time, by James Stewart, Vol. 1–4, London, Edmund Spettigue, 1841. (This edition by James Stewart contains the whole text of Blackstone, with the editor’s alterations and additions incorporated into the body of the text, while those por-tions of Blackstone which are altered have been put into the past tense. The text, with its illustra-tions and authorities, where no alteration has occurred, remains in its original state. This is the first Stewart edition combined in four books usng the title Commentaries …. Stewart originally pub-lished his work in four separate volumes: The Rights of Persons, London, 1839; The Principles of the Law of Real Property, London, 1837; Private Wrongs, London, 1840; and Public Wrongs, London, 1841. See Eller Titles no. 72 and 75, P/L 9/44 and 10/1 below.)
Commentaries on the laws of England : in four books / by Sir William Blackstone.
OCLC Number:
Original LLMC Number 82800 | |
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