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Description and Holding Information
Blackstone's Commentaries, 1788A, 11ed (Dublin)
1788: Vol. 1–4, Dublin, pr. for W. Gilbert, J. Potts and J. Jones, 1788. (This pirated eleventh edition actually follows the text and notes of the
Tenth London Edition, 1787, Eller Title No. 17, P/L 2/37 above. The Yale copy, containing manuscript notes, belonged to the Irish-born lawyer, William
Paterson, who became governor of New Jersey and an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.)
Title:   Commentaries on the laws of England : in four books / by Sir William Blackstone.
OCLC Number:   60655848
Original LLMC Number  82800
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Volume 1YesNo
Volume 2YesNo
Volume 3YesNo
Volume 4YesNo