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Description and Holding Information
Blackstone's Commentaries, 1770, 1ed, (Dublin)
1766–70 reprint: Vol. 1–4, Dublin, pr. for John Exshaw, Henry Saunders, Samuel Watson, and James Williams, 1766-70. (This pirated edition, the first
ever octavo edition, fol-lows the text of the First Oxford Edition. With exquisite chutzpah it reproduces in full Blackstone’s undated preface,
wherein he presciently anticipates a surreptitious impression.)
Title:   Commentaries on the laws of England / by Willaim [William] Blackstone.
OCLC Number:   60641825
Original LLMC Number  82800
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Volume 1YesNo
Volume 2YesNo
Volume 3YesNo
Volume 4YesNo