Description and Holding Information
Blackstone's Commentaries,1765-69, 1ed
(1765–69) by William Blackstone, Vol. 1–4, Oxford, pr. at the Clarendon Press, 1765–69. (Some later-printed copies of the first edition contain a supplement, a quarto pamphlet of eight pages the same size as Vol. 1, with which it was bound. In the supplement Blackstone intended to correct errors and supply omissions. But he soon discovered that the corrections were sometimes too minute, and in general too much interwoven with the body of the work, to be easily distinguished and ex-tracted. So the idea of supplements for the remaining three volumes was abandoned in favor of a new edition of the entire work. Yale’s copy of Vol. 1 of this edition does not have this supplement, but the Harvard Law School Library owns a copy which does
Commentaries on the laws of England / by William Blackstone.
OCLC Number:
Original LLMC Number 82800 | |
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