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Sedgwick, Remarks, Critical and Miscellaneous, on the Commentaries, (2nd ed.), 1807.
2nd ed.,1807: x+304p, London, pr. by Millar Ritchie for Mathews and Leigh, 1807. (Despite the use of the legend 2nd ed., this work if really just a
quarto reprint from the same plates as the preceding title. Other reprints, which were not seen by Eller, are as follows: London, 1804, octavo; 2nd
ed., London, 1805, quarto; and a 2nd ed., London, 1807, octavo.)
Title:   Remarks, critical and miscellaneous, on the Commentaries of Sir William Blackstone / by James Sedgwick.
OCLC Number:   62154227
Original LLMC Number  82800
Available Volumes
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Vol. 1YesNo