Description and Holding Information
Interesting Appendix to Sir Wm. Blackstone’s Commentaries, 1772-73
on the Laws of England; Containing: I. Priestley’s remarks on some paragraphs in the fourth volume of Blackstone’s Commentaries relating to the dissenters; II. Blackstone’s reply to Priest-ley’s remarks; III. Priestley’s answer to Blackstone’s reply; IV. The case of the late election to the county of Middlesex considered on the principles of the constitution and the authorities of law; V. Furneaux’s letters to the Hon. Mr. Justice Blackstone concerning his exposition of the Act of Toleration, and some positions relative to religious liberty in his celebrated Commentaries on the Laws of England; VI. Authentic copies of the argument of the late Hon. Mr. Justice Foster in the Court of Judges Delegates, and of the speech of the Right Hon. Lord Mansfield in the House of Lords in the cause between the City of London and the dissenters: iv+5–119, xii+155p, Philadel-phia, pr. for the subscribers by Robert Bell at the Union Library, 1772–73. (Parts I–IV have continuous paging, with each part having a special title page dated 1772. Parts V–VI also have continuous paging, but with only a single title page dated 1773. The Appendix was printed as a "Vol. 5" of the 1st American edition of the Commentaries, see Eller Title no. 80, P/L 11/6 above. Bell’s advertisement in Vol. 3 of the Commentaries refers to this Appendix as an American edi-tion of An Interesting Appendix.... But no British edition of this collection as a whole was known by Eller to have been published. For a Dublin reprint of the first four tracts under this title, see Eller Title no. 263a, P/L 34/51 below. Eller saw five bibliographically different issues of this Appendix, and she concluded from these that portions of this Appendix were printed at various times, from three or more different settings of type. She states that no complete issue of the Appendix, with horizontal chain-lines throughout, was seen. For the English editions of the tracts included in the Appendix: see Eller Title no. 263, P/L 34/45 below, for Priestley’s Remarks; see Eller Title no. 242, P/L 30/53 above for Blackstone’s Answer; see Eller Title no. 231, P/L 28/51 above, for The Case of the Late Election; and see Eller Title no. 254, P/L 22/10 above, for Furneaux’s Letters.)
An Interesting appendix to Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries on the laws of England.
OCLC Number:
Original LLMC Number 82800 | |
Available Volumes
Name | Fiche Count | Online | Paper Backup |
Vol. 1 | | Yes | No |