Description and Holding Information
Douglas, The Biographical History of Sir William Blackstone, 1782.
late one of the justices of both benches ... and a catalogue of all Sir William Blackstone’s works, manuscript, as well as printed, with a nomenclature of Westminster-Hall, the whole illustrated with notes, observations and references, also a preface and index to each part: by a Gentleman of Lincoln’s Inn, var. pag., London, pr. for the author, 1782. (Eller states that the author of this anonymous work is D. Douglas, but she also notes that the Yale University Library has a copy of this work with a manuscript note signed by H.I.W., i.e., H.I. Whitaker, librarian of Lincoln’s Inn, attributing the authorship to Sylvester Douglas, afterwards Lord Glenbervie.)
The biographical history of Sir William Blackstone : late one of the justices of both benches ... and A catalogue of Sir William Blackstone's work, manuscript, as well as printed, with a Nomenclature of Westminster-Hall, the whole illustrated with notes, observations, and references, also, a preface and index to each part / by a gentleman of Lincoln's-Inn.
OCLC Number:
Original LLMC Number 82800 | |
Available Volumes
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Vol. 1 | | Yes | No |