Description and Holding Information
Bentham , A Fragment on Government, 1891 (repr.)
Being an examination of what is delivered on the subject of government in general in the intro-duction to Sir William Blackstone’s Commentaries; With a preface in which is given a critique on the work at large: 2+lvii+208p, London, pr. for T. Payne, P. Elmsley & E. Brooke, 1776. (This anonymous first edition of Bentham’s celebrated, often scathing, criticism of Blackstone was once held by the Yale University Library, causing Eller to assign it the number 248. However, it had been lost by the time of the LLMC filming. Fortunately Eller Title no. 250, listed immediately below, reprints the Bentham text exactly as found in this first edition.) Same text, 1891 reprint, with modified title: A Fragment on Government, by Jeremy Bentham: edited with an introduction by F.C. Montague, xii+241p, Oxford, Clarendon Press. (A note on the special title page for the reprint of Bentham’s essay reads: "The first edition. .. 1776 ... has been followed in the present reprint." The editor’s preface states: "The introduction prefixed aims at shewing the place of Bentham in the history of thought, and the significance of the Fragment as a contribution to political philosophy." A "Life of Bentham" is included also.)
A fragment on government / by Jentham Bentham ; edited with an introduction by F.C. Montague.
OCLC Number:
Original LLMC Number 82800 | |
Available Volumes
Name | Fiche Count | Online | Paper Backup |
Vol. 1 | | Yes | No |