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Blackstone's Analysis of the Laws, 1771, 6ed
Same title, 6th ed., 1771: li+4+230+14, 1771, Oxford, pr. at the Clarendon Press. (This revised edition, which he considered definitive, is the last
issued by Blackstone. He states in the preface that, because his Commentaries had been made public since the 1762 5th ed. of the Analysis, which is
the outline or abstract of that work, this edition is accommodated to the alterations and improvements made in the Commentaries. Many editions of the
Commentaries published after Blackstone’s death contain the text of this 1771 edition of the Analysis.)
Title:   An analysis of the laws of England / by William Blackstone.
OCLC Number:   62112776
Original LLMC Number  82800
Available Volumes
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