Description and Holding Information
Kinne's Most Important Parts of Commentaries, 1839, 2ed
reduced to questions and answers: 2nd ed., by Asa Kinne, 266p, N.Y., W.E. Dean, etc., Philadelphia, Thomas Cowperthwaite and Co., 1839. (The 1st ed., copyright 1835, was not seen by Eller. This 2nd ed., also copyrighted 1835, is revised and enlarged. Following the general index is an Index to Greek, Latin, French, Italian and Saxon phrases used in this work, with translations in English. Pages 263–266 of this index are lacking in the Yale Law Library copy.)
The most important parts of Blackstone's commentaries : reduced to questions and answers / by Asa Kinne.
OCLC Number:
Original LLMC Number 82800 | |
Available Volumes