Description and Holding Information
Ewell's the Commentaries, 1882, 1ed-A
and the General Reader Obsolete and unimportant matter being eliminated: by Marshall D. Ewell, xii+611p, Boston, Soule and Bugbee, 1882 (Eller erroneously gives 1889). (This is the first edition. The half title page reads Essentials of the Law. This abridgement forms Vol. 1 of Ewell’s Essentials of the Law, publ. in three volumes in Boston in 1882. Ewell is designated as a professor in the Union College of Law, Chicago.)
Blackstone's Commentaries : for the use of students and the general reader : obsolete and unimportant matter being eliminated / by Marshall D. Ewell.
OCLC Number:
Original LLMC Number 82800 | |
Available Volumes