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Ellis, Blackstone Quizzer C: being questions and answers on
Blackstone Quizzer C: being questions and answers on book 3 of Blackstone’s commentaries, for students preparing for examinations for admission to
the bar, or for advanced standing in law schools, or for review in connection with textbooks and lectures: 3rd ed., by Griffith Ogden Ellis, 36p.,
Detroit, Collector Pub. Co., 1897. (Griffith Ellis, identified on the title page as an instructor in the Sprague Correspondence School of Law, wrote a
number of titles in the Quizzer Series. Part I of Quizzer C presents questions on Blackstone’s Commentaries, Book 3 and Part II contains one paragraph
answers. He intended this study aid to be used in addition to textbooks and notes from lectures.)
Title:   Blackstone Quizzer C : being questions and answers on book 3 of Blackstone's commentaries, for students preparing for examinations for admission to the bar, or for advanced standing in law schools, or for review in connection with text books and lectures / by Griffith Ogden Ellis.
OCLC Number:   61725554
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