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Dunlap, Abridgement of Elementary Law, 1st edition, 1876
Abridgement of elementary law: embodying the general principles, rules, and definitions of law, together with the common maxims and rules of equity
jurisprudence: as stated in the standard commentaries of the leading English and American authors, embracing the subjects contained in a regular law
course: collected and arranged so as to be more easily acquired by students, comprehended by justices, and readily reviewed by young practitioners: by
M.E. Dunlap, 425p., St. Louis, Soue, Thomas and Wentworth, 1876. (Pages 7-145 of the text contain the Blackstone abridgement, preceded by a
biographical note on Blackstone. This is the first edition by Dunlap a counselor at law. He did not intend this work as a substitute for textbooks, but as a
review for students to prepare for the final examination for the bar.)
Title:   Abridgment of elementary law : embodying the general principles, rules and definitions of law : together with the common maxims and rules of equity jurisprudence ... embracing the subjects contained in a regular law course, collected and arranged so as to be readily acquired by students, comprehended by justices and readily reviewed by young practitioners / by M.E. Dunlap.
OCLC Number:   61725105
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