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Devereux's Most Material Parts of Blackstone, 1858
reduced to questions and answers ... upon the plan and in the place of Kinne’s Blackstone: by John C. Devereux, xxii+392p, N.Y., Lewis and Blood, 1858. (The Kinne’s Blackstone referenced in the title appears as Eller Title no. 171 at P/L 21/29 below. This abridgement by Devereux, counselor at law, was stereotyped by T.B. Smith and Son, and printed by J.W. Anderson, N.Y. The preface states that it is based on the 21st English Edition. However, the edition which was actually used was the Wendell Edition, Eller Title no. 106, P/L 14/41 above.)
The most material parts of Blackstone's Commentaries : reduced to questions and answers / by John C. Devereux, upon the plan and in place of Kinne's Blackstone.
OCLC Number:
Original LLMC Number 82800 | |
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