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Browne, Commentaries on the Laws of England, 1892
Commentaries on the Laws of England by Sir William Blackstone: in one volume, together with a copious glossary of legal terms employed: also,
biographical sketches of writers referred to and a chart of descent of English sovereigns, edited by William Hardcastle Browne, xv+808p., New York, L.K.
Strouse & Co., 1892. (This copy indicates when a law has been abrogated, materially altered, or become obsolete by a notation in a footnote. Citations to
annulled statutes have been retained for their historic value. The editor has added a glossary of over two thousand legal maxims and Latin phrases
used in the Commentaries with abridged definitions. A “Biography of Lawgivers and Writers,” which begins on p.749, contains brief biographical
information for various statesmen and writers referred to by Blackstone. The table of contents begins on p.v and a subject index begins on p.779.)
Title:   Commentaries on the laws of England / by Sir William Blackstone ; in one volume, together with a copious glossary of legal terms employed ; also, biographical sketches of writers referred to and a chart of descent of English sovereigns, edited by Wm. Hardcastle Browne.
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