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1832-, Leyes i decretos espedidos por el Congreso Constitucional de la Nueva Granada
Nueva Granda (the Republic of New Granada) existed from 1832 until 1858, and was created after the dissolution of Gran Colombia in 1830. With the adoption of a new constitution in November 1831, the country was officially renamed New Granada and consisted primarily of present-day Colombia and Panama, with smaller portions of today’s Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru and Brazil. In 1858 New Granada became the Granadine Confederation in response to demands for a decentralized country, with the territory of the Republic being divided into provinces. (Information from Widipedia, “Republic of New Granada,” last accessed on 3/17/2020.)
This title, “Leyes i decretos espedidos por el Congreso Constitucional de la Nueva Granada,” may vary slightly in format depending on the year of publication.
Colección de las leyes i decretos dados por el ... Congreso Constitucional de la Nueva Granada en el año de ...
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