Description and Holding Information
1870, Constitution and address of Convention (Ger.)
1870 German version of Constitution of Illinois and the Address to the people of Illinois delivered in convention on May 13, 1870. The address reviewed some of the changes and amendments in this constitution. More emphasis on public education, transportation, property tax, more power to the governor and other changes. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by the Library of Congress).
Die Constitution des Staates Illinois : angenommen in der Convention am 13. Mai 1870 : dem Volke unterbreitet zur Annahme oder Verwerfung bei einer Wahl, abzuhalten am 2. Juli A.D. 1870 : nebst der Adresse der Convention, im Anschluss an dieselbe.
OCLC Number:
Available Volumes
Name | Fiche Count | Online | Paper Backup |
Vol. 1 | | Yes | No |