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Chickasaw Nation, 1890, Compiled Laws, Constitution (1867), Treaties (In Choctaw)
1890 Constitution, Laws and Treaties of the Chickasaws, printed in Atoka, Indian Territory. This volume is written in the Choctaw language: Chikasha
Okla I Kunstitushun Micha I Nan Ulhpisa. The treaties were compiled in the appendix; an index was also included. (Digitized from a microfilm copy
of the title originally held by the Oklahoma Historical Society).
Title:   Chikasha okla i kunstitushun micha i nan ulhpisa micha United States a nan itimapehinsa tok mak oke : Chikasha okla i nan apesa yut apesa tok mak oke.
OCLC Number:   775048933
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