Description and Holding Information
1676-1705, Fenwick's surveys (MS)
1676-1705 Fenwick's Surveys, which has varying degrees of legibility. Of note, it appears that the following sites may be helpful with transcriptions of the legible parts of the document, although the manuscript was difficult to read: http://www.westjerseyhistory.org/books/njaV21/njaFENWICKSSURVEYS1676-1705.shtml and http://www.westjerseyhistory.org/books/njaV21/njaSALEMSURVEYS1676.shtml and
https://books.google.com/books?id=xUflaip4hREC&pg=PA557&lpg=PA557&dq=Fenwick%27s+surveys+1676-1705&source=bl&ots=d98xOBMh20&sig=ACfU3U04qenWV9nF3M8ixfDz2KabZYHEqA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjD3OTNrubhAhVRmuAKHaI4A3cQ6AEwBHoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=Fenwick's%20surveys%201676-1705&f=false (Digitized from a microfilm copy of the title originally held by the New Jersey Archives).
[Fenwick's surveys].
OCLC Number:
Available Volumes
Name | Fiche Count | Online | Paper Backup |
Vol. 1 | | Yes | No |