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Description and Holding Information
1703-74, Acts passed at various dates (MS) 7v.
Seven volumes of various manuscript acts, passed from 1703 to 1774. Of note, the quality of the manuscript varied in the volumes but are generally
quite legible; some contained indexes. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of the title originally held by the Public Record Office in London).
Title:   [Acts passed at various dates].
OCLC Number:   1140972276
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
1715/16-1740/41 (no. 1-120)YesNo
1741/42-1757 (no. 1-129)YesNo
1757-62 (no. 1-53)YesNo
1762-67 (no. 54-133) [not in chron. order]YesNo
1767-70 (no. 134-172)YesNo
1771-74 (no. 173-196)YesNo