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Description and Holding Information
Senate. Comm. on Senatorial Votes. Report on the votes of the 11th District, 1864
Forty-third Legislature. Senate. No. 6 The Committee on Senatorial Votes considered the election in Lincoln County. The numbers showed Mr. Stetson
was elected, but Mr. Smith challenged the vote in Boothbay. The Committee agreed with his argument. New numbers showed Smith was elected. Stetson
challenged the residency of several people and alleged other frauds. Twelve pages of investigation and testimony later, the Committee said Stetson
would be seated. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by the Maine State Library and the Library of Congress).
Title:   The Committee on Senatorial Votes, having already presented their report upon all the Senatorial Districts of the State ... .
OCLC Number:   1426311063
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