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Senate. Comm. on Agriculture. Report on public land grants for colleges of agriculture and mechanical arts, 1863
SEE ALSO 56374 Forty-second Legislature. Senate. No. 12. Report from the Committee on Agriculture re the grant of public lands ... providing
Colleges for the benefit of Agriculture and the Mechanical Arts. Resolve: full assent given to the act of July 2, 1862 donating public lands to the
several states to benefit as above. The Industrial College of Maine should be a free-standing institution offering a scientific and practical education
for both sexes. The text defined the Board of Trustees and said an act of the Legislature would follow.(Digitized from a microfilm copy of title
originally held by the Library of Congress).
Title:   Report. : the committee on agriculture to which was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to the acceptance and appropriation of the grant of public lands by Congress for the purpose of providing colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts ... .
OCLC Number:   1424865972
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