Description and Holding Information
Joint Select Comm. on the Report of the Liquor Commissioner. Act additional to Chapter 130 … an act to regulate the agencies for and to prevent imposition in the sale of intoxicating liquors, 1863
SEE ALSO 56365 Forty-second Legislature. House. No. 12. The Joint Select Committee on the Report of the Liquor Commissioner submitted: An Act additional to chapter one hundred thirty of the laws of eighteen hundred sixty-two entitled an act to regulate the agencies for and to prevent imposition in the sale of intoxicating liquors, 1863. If a commissioner left his agency, the new commissioner had to pay cash for the remaining stock. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by the Library of Congress).
An act additional to chapter one hundred and thirty of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entitled "an act to regulate the agencies for and to prevent imposition in the sale of intoxicating liquors."
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