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Joint Standing Comm. on Railroads, Ways and Bridges. Act additional to incorporate the Proprietors of the Augusta Free Bridge Company, 1860
SEE ALSO 56050, 56203 Thirty-ninth Legislature. Senate. No. 9. The Joint Standing Committee on Railroads, Ways, and Bridges submitted: An Act
additional to incorporating the proprietors of the Augusta Free Bridge, 1860. The Augusta Free Bridge could purchase the Kennebec bridge if an agreement
could be reached on price. If that didn't work, the proprietors could build a new bridge, as detailed in the original act. The City of Augusta
could build connecting roads. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by the Library of Congress).
Title:   An act additional to incorporate the proprietors of the Augusta Free Bridge Company.
OCLC Number:   1420488424
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