Description and Holding Information
1836-01-06, Sermon preached before Lt. Gov. Armstrong by A. Bigelow
God's charge unto Israel, a sermon preached before His Honor Samuel T. Armstrong, Lieutenant Governor, the Honorable Council, and the Legislature of Massachusetts at the annual election on Wednesday, January 6, 1836, by Andrew Bigelow, pastor of the First Congregational Church in Taunton. Boston : Dutton & Wentworth, 1836. The usual legislative committee asked for a copy of the sermon to be part of the record. A note said the sermon as delivered on the occasion was an abridged version of this longer printed version. Mr. Bigelow said the chosen tribes were in a bad fix when God told them to go forward, so the sea parted and the people moved to the opposite shore and were saved. The original Pilgrims had to take a similar leap of faith, and the country had to band together to fight the Revolution. Now there was a flourishing economy, but there was much animosity among the people, especially between the northern and southern states. Part of the population had fallen into the habits of luxury, lotteries and gambling were siphoning away wealth, and violence was too prevalent. He extolled education as the way forward; professionalize teachers and support education so all could afford it, to maintain the "aggregate intelligence of the people." Be sure to incorporate religion and morality in all parts of life. New England had a proud tradition of leading the nation in many ways, pulling everyone along, always moving forward. There was an appendix of the names of everyone who had preached an election sermon since 1634. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by the Library of Congress).
God's charge unto Israel : a sermon preached before His Honor Samuel T. Armstrong, lieutenant governor, the honorable Council, and the legislature of Massachusetts, at the annual election, on Wednesday, January 6, 1836 / by Andrew Bigelow, pastor of the First Congregational Church in Taunton.
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