Description and Holding Information
1836-01, Memorial of Charles River Bridge shareholders
Senate No. 17 A memorial from the Charles River Bridge shareholders. The shareholders had long ago offered to build another bridge, but that led to slanderous attacks, alleging deception and fabulous profits from tolls. The memorial laid out the entire controversy. A general question was whether it was appropriate to have a corporation build a public good, receive tolls, and then relinquish the resource to the state. Massachusetts had chosen not to build public works itself, but left it to corporations who could then charge a toll to recoup its expenses. Suggestions: 1. If Massachusetts gaves the Charles Bridge people tolls from both bridges for two years, then Charles Bridge would withdraw its Supreme Court suit and give the franchise to the State, 2. If the Legislature wanted the bridge immediately, pay the Charles Bridge shareholders $600/share, 3. If the State preferred another arrangement, let's talk. The memorial was sent to the Committee on the Warren Bridge on January 21, 1836. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by the Massachusetts State Library).
The undersigned holders of shares in the corporate stock of the Charles River Bridge, ask leave to submit the following memorial.
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