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1835-01-07, Wainwright, Inequality of indiviual wealth …
Inequality of individual wealth, the ordinances of providence, and essentials to civilization : a sermon preached before His Excellency John Davis, Governor, his Honor Samuel T. Armstrong, Lieutenant Governor, the honorable Council, and the Legislature of Massachusetts, on the annual election, January 7, 1835 by Jonathan M. Wainwright, D.D. Boston : Dutton & Wainwright, 1835. Text: "The poor shall never cease out of the land" : Deuteronomy xv, 11. Since this is ordained by God, it must be important to the progressive improvement of the human family. Wainwright believed poverty was alright, but "suffering indigence," was not. Humans have different attributes and skills. He compared civilized and uncivilized people; uncivilized people do not store knowledge--and they don't have newspapers. Uncivilized people had never adopted the division of labor. Unequal distribution of wealth was the only way to encourage people to improve themselves, and the middle class did this best. Society should guard the rights of property. If it is interfered with, "all of the institutions will relapse into a state of Turkish barbarism." Can the more grievous circumstances of poverty be ameliorated? 1) promotion of industry and jobs with good wages 2) extension of education, and 3) dissemination of Christian truth. However, "no one thing has more tended to aggravate the evils caused by the existing distinction between the rich and poor, than the well-meant efforts made by the one to alleviate the miseries of the other." If everyone gets a complete education, then rich and poor will understand one another and even mechanics can enjoy a good book. Don't forget disseminating Christian virtues. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by the Massachusetts State Library).
Inequality of individual wealth the ordinance of Providence, and essential to civilization : a sermon preached before His Excellency John Davis, governor, His Honor Samuel T. Armstrong, lieutenant governor, the Honorable Council, and the legislature of Massachusetts, on the annual election, January 7, 1835 / by Jonathan M. Wainwright, Rector of Trinity College, Boston.
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